Tony Reck
Tony Reck has written, directed, produced and critiqued theatre in Melbourne for twenty-five years. He played a Monster, a Pimp, a Magician, and a deranged Priest in productions of plays written by Bond, Fornes, Kopit and Stein; while in 2015 he played Petey in Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party - which he also directed. Between 2002 - 2014 he reviewed contemporary performance for Sydney arts magazine Real Time and wrote, directed and produced his own work. His plays include The Great Divide: The Tar Machine: The Antechamber: Dirty Pictures, and a fifth play, Broken River (2019). Tony also writes fiction and seeks inspiration in landscapes. But only as images that might reveal elaborate meaning behind appearances. He has completed two novels: True Crime and Of the Road, and is planning a third. His forthcoming, sixth play is titled Blue Carla.